Lookup people in New Zealand by profession, trade or occupation. With licensing becoming an important part of trades these days, these can be a great source for finding a person, or simply finding out more. If a person works in an industry with a professional association the members list can also be of value. This style of record is also useful when conducting background checks as it advises whether a person is currently licensed or has been suspended. The other key point with many of these registers is that they provide a name search. The industries also cover a large portion of the workforce and as such can be useful for finding people.
15 Stout Street, Wellington, New Zealand
The public register allows for searching of all electrical and electronics workers in New Zealand...
Level 3, 50 Customhouse Quay Wellington 6011
Provided by IPENZ, the register allows you to search for an engineer and contact details. May be ...
PO Box 69040, Lincoln, Canterbury, New Zealand
Search by name for staff members of Landcare Research, a CRI accountable to the New Zealand Gover...
Search the public register by name, location, area of practice and number. Allows you to check l...
Corner Quay and Hobson Streets Viaduct Harbour , Auckland, New Zealand
Search over 29000 persons by name in the Maritime Index as provided by the Maritime Museum of New...
Search the Register of Nurses as provided by the Nursing Council of New Zealand. Searchable by na...
Search by surname, address and type of practice the official register of the New Zealand Dental C...
Search licensed persons by name, authorisation number, type and location. You may also broaden yo...
Level 5 22 Willeston Street Wellington 6011 New Zealand
Browse the register of all practitioners registered with the Psychologists Board by letter or sea...
Searchable database of lawyers in New Zealand by first and other names. Results provide a check o...
Level 5, 79 Boulcott St, Wellington 6011
Search the register of New Zealand Registered Architects by name, number or region. Includes over...
Check a doctors registration status via the Medical Council of New Zealands register. Search is b...