There are many available records searches useful for locating people and/or personal information. Both public and private records checks are indexed with the majority searchable by name. These can be some of the most effective means for finding someone outside social media and telephone directories. And whilst you may not always find a direct contact, you may discover a lead on which you can move forward to gain that information. Includes electoral rolls, court records and criminal records.
To find additional sources that may assist you with your search, please visit the New Zealand Public Records Index.

Search by keyword, including name, decisions made by the Accident Compensation Appeals District C...

Wide range of public and private records sources used when doing background screening and vetting...

Information and forms for obtaining a copy of a persons criminal record. You do require the perso...

Enrolment details may be checked online using a verified Realme account or by entering personal d...

Printed electoral rolls are available for viewing in a number of locations throughout the country...

Search decisions from the New Zealand Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and High Court. Search is by...

PO Box 1206, Wellington 6140 New Zealand
Information on how to find whether someone is in prison in New Zealand or in which prison an inma...

Provides a number of searches and an overview of owners and trustee interests in land that falls ...

Searachable index of over 140 databases of New Zealand law. Includes a range of court decisions b...

New Zealand
Comprehensive index of all forms of public and private records sources for New Zealand. Searchabl...