Business & Company Records

Discover and locate those involved in Companies and businesses within New Zealand.

There are many people in New Zealand that are involved in some form of business or company. Conducting a business people search can provide you with information that can lead to finding someone. It may provide you with nothing more than a lead, or it may however provide you with direct contact details. When the person you are seeking is difficult to find, it pays to branch out and try alternative means.

Another reason a business people search can be effective is there are many tradespeople and specialists that use either a full name or family name as part of their training name. Finding a business can sometimes equate to finding a person.

Search by name the NZ Companies Office Register for directors, shareholdres and disqualified pers...
Provided by the Insolvency and Trustee service of NZ, the register search allows you to find bank...
Browse a list of New Zealand registered members of the popular business network alphabetically. R...
Register provides details of security interests held in personal property such as motor vehicles....
Showing 4 results